Someone hurt you, no one believed you, now what?

Someone hurt you, no one believed you, now what?

“Everybody lived that way.” ” What makes me so special?” 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s 80s, 90s child? This article explores how those days were accepting of what we now know to be unacceptable behaviour and how family members still use inappropriate...

A child urgently and desperately needs you now!

“I had a good childhood.” “My mother did the best she could.” I’m sure she did. And in addition, you can also be validated. This is very common and it is a block to healing. Going into childhood and feelings, I hear you groan. Every...

Anxiety, love and fear of death! – Melanie Klein

In this article I attempt to help you see that your upbringing is highly likely to have informed how you feel about yourself today. It is impossible for it not to have. I am interested (in the work I do), about just how many people struggle with low self esteem and I...

Relationship: Do you love yourself enough?

This short article is a snippet from a case study, which I hope to provide insight into common beliefs. What do you believe about yourself that you are taking into your relationships? For this example, it was a man and a woman. Where do your beliefs come from? Loving...

Addiction: Time, love and death. Ready to rumble?

Are you ready, is it the right time, do you want to learn to love yourself and look death square in the face? The addiction cycle 1. Trigger: This phase represents the events, emotions, or situations that trigger the urge to use substances. Triggers can include...


I have learned, from working with hundreds of people all over the world, that they are angry and often they don’t know they are angry.  This is because the anger has been disowned as a child, or at any age, possibly as a result of trauma, maybe you were not...