
Understanding Consent in the Context of Vulnerability

Vulnerable adults, including those with disabilities, mental health conditions, or cognitive impairments, may face unique challenges when it comes to giving consent in various situations, including medical treatment, personal care and intimate relationships. Understanding how to navigate consent...

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Abuse in various forms

Forms of abuse encompass a range of behaviours aimed at exerting power and control over another person. Some common forms include: 1. Physical Abuse: Involves causing bodily harm or injury through actions like hitting, punching, or restraining. 2. Emotional/Verbal Abuse: Involves using words,...

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Sleep Problems

Difficulty falling and staying asleep, also known as insomnia, is a common sleep disorder that can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. There are many potential causes of insomnia, ranging from stress and lifestyle factors to underlying medical conditions. Here are some...

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People I work with have often been unable to connect with emotions, sometimes fearing them and ashamed of having feelings, never mind talking to someone about them. Understanding emotions are not only safe to feel, but also necessary to be a healthy human being and to feel validated in your life....

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Anxiety techniques

EFT EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on an emotional issue. The theory behind EFT is that tapping on these points can help to release energy blockages and alleviate emotional...

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Perfectionism can stem from a variety of factors, including individual personality traits, environmental influences, and social pressures. While the root cause of perfectionism can vary from person to person, some common underlying factors include: Personality Traits Certain personality traits,...

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Stress, anxiety and feeling safe

I refer to trauma, anger, resentment, stress, anxiety and depression in this article when I make connections about your experiences that have made you feel unsafe in the world. There are times when this is clear and times when it is not clear. In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have...

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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments, fear being exposed as a fraud, and attribute their success to luck or external factors rather than their own abilities. Despite external evidence of competence and achievements, those experiencing...

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Trauma refers to the psychological and emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event or multiple events.  It could be an accident that can happen, a one-off natural disaster or repeated exposure to stressful situations and your mind can process the experience(s) as traumatic. ...

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that focuses on understanding the connections between thoughts, language, and behaviour. It explores how individuals perceive the world, communicate with others, and create meaning through their experiences. NLP techniques aim to...

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