Has your religion impacted your self esteem?

In this article I attempt to help you see that your upbringing is highly likely to have informed how you feel about yourself today. It is impossible for it not to have. I am interested (in the work I do), about just how many people struggle with low self esteem and I...

Relationship: Do you love yourself enough?

This short article is a snippet from a case study, which I hope to provide insight into common beliefs. What do you believe about yourself that you are taking into your relationships? For this example, it was a man and a woman. Where do your beliefs come from? Loving...

Turning Wounds into Wisdom

This article is about “the shadow” which is from Jungian theory. The concept of the ‘shadow’ in psychology involves recognising and integrating the parts of ourselves that we have repressed or denied. These hidden aspects often stem from childhood...

Emotions are only road signs

My latest work is to really look at emotions, the purpose of them and how we can really see them as our friends and our allies, rather than something to avoid, deny or hide from. What are emotions? Emotions are complex mental and physical reactions that we experience...